Welcome on our website!
This is the website of the "International Church Madeira", and "CHRISTEFFEN".
International Church Madeira
The "ICM" meets every Sunday at 11:00 am at the
Muthu Raga Hotel in Funchal. (We offer a children-service for children aged 5-12 as well.)
NEW: Since 09/24 our service is in english and portuguese!
NOVO: Desde 24/09 nosso atendimento é em inglês e português!
For a detailed describtion of the location klick here.
(Further informations below the audio-links.)
Listen to Sunday service from:
17.03.24 - You can not serve two God's
10.03.24 - Danger of unforgiveness
12.05.24 - Spirit, speak to the church
19.05.24 - Pentecost - power for the end time
26.05.24 - The Holy Spirit and alcohol?
02.06.24 - Witchcraft (even in the church)
16.06.24 - What people do not want to hear
30.06.24 - To do what Jesus says
14.07.24 - Church at the end of days
15.09.24 - To do what he says - faca o que ele diz
22.09.24 - First church / last church - primeira igreja / ultima igreja
06.10.24 - There is only one problem - Sa ha um problema
13.10.24 - Church of losers - Igreja do perdedores
20.10.24 - Make God great again - Torne Deus grande novamente
27.10.24 - Always grateful - sempre grato
10.11.24 - Jesus came do destroy the works of evil - Jesus veio para destrir as obras do malingo
17.11.24 - humbleness & grace - humilidade & graca
24.11.24 - Mission is no option - A missao nao e uma opcao
01.12.24 - Why a sheep? - Por que razao uma ovelha?
09.12.24 - Love again - Ame novamente
22.12.24 - Unpacking the Christmas gift - Desembalar o presente de Natal
29.12.24 - expensive ticket - bilhete caro
05.01.25 - Church in the year 2025 - igreja em 2025
12.01.25 - Light of love - Luz do Amor
19.01.25 - More prayer - Mais oração
26.01.25 - To love like Jesus - Amar como Jesus
02.02.25 - Lies kill! - As mentiras matam
09.02.25 - Fight mistrust - Combata a desconfianca
16.02.25 - Remember the great deeds of God - lembre-se do grandes feitos de Deus
23.02.25 - Gods biggest mistake - O maior erro de Deus
02.03.25 - Biblical prayer - Oração bíblica
As a church we do not collect an offering at the moment, but you can bless different organisations where we see that people in need find real help. When you are blessed by a service or a audio message we are happy if you bless this organisations (more will follow):
Please pray for us that we can be a blessing for this island an the islands around.
We are friends of the following english speaking churches with services every Sunday at 11:00 am at "Igreja Baptista do Funchal" and "Church of the Son" in Lugar de Baixo..
Restaurant Onda do Sol
Estrada regional, Lugar de Baixo 101, 9360-501 Ponta do Sol, Madeira, Portugal
Rua Silvestre Quintino de Freitas, 126
9050-097 FUNCHAL, Madeira, Portugal
1. John 4:20
"If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."
Ephesians 4:1-7
"I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift."